Past Albert Lincoln
Beekeeper of the Year Award Recipients
1982 Albert E. Lincoln Tulsa One of the Founders of NEOBA in 1956: Member of NorthEast Oklahoma Beekeepers Association
1983 Glen Gibson Minco Executive Secretary of AHPA; President of OSBA 1946; Member of Central Oklahoma Beekeepers Association
1984 Raymond Lone Grove President of Green Country Beekeepers Association
1985 M.L. LashbrookStonewall Organized East Central Beekeepers Association; Served as President or Vice President many years
1986 Earnie Knight Miami Four State Beekeepers Association
1987 Dorothy Brister Bragg Caddo Southeast Oklahoma Beekeepers Association
1988 Dr. Joseph Neiberding Miami Four State Beekeepers Association
1989 Chuddie Smith Guthrie President Frontier Country Beekeepers Association
1990 Jim GraysonOwasso He dedicated this award to the late Hugh Price: NorthEast Oklahoma Beekeepers Association
1991 Novak Bullard Durant Southeast Oklahoma Beekeepers Association
1992 Clyde Garroutte * presented to his widow by Chuddie Smith: Frontier Country Beekeepers Association
1993 MJ Bragg Boswell Southeast Oklahoma Beekeepers Association
1994 Doug Bemo Muskogee Indian Nation Beekeepers Association
1995 Harold St. Clair Owasso NorthEast Oklahoma Beekeepers Association
1996 Raymond & Thelma Erwin * NorthWest Oklahoma Beekeepers Association
1998 George Richtmeyer Noble Central Oklahoma Beekeepers Association
1999 Wilbur Severn Chester NorthWest Oklahoma Beekeepers Association
2000 W. (Bill) McLaughlin NorthWest Oklahoma Beekeepers Association
2001 Phil Lindell Enid NorthWest Oklahoma Beekeepers Association
2002 Everett Taylor Orlando Frontier Country Beekeepers Association
2003 Jerry Logan Guthrie Vice President of OSBA: Frontier Country Beekeepers Association
2004 JB Shepherd Waynoka NorthWest Oklahoma Beekeepers Association
2005 Alan Larson Bixby NorthEast Oklahoma Beekeepers Association
2006 Euvonne and Carl Harrison Tulsa NorthEast Oklahoma Beekeepers Association
2007 Harry McQuown Oklahoma City Frontier Country Beekeepers Association
2008 Tommy Thornton Newalla Newalla Central Oklahoma Beekeepers Association
2009 Jerry Morris Norman Noble Beekeepers Association
2010 Greg Hannaford Tulsa Northeast Oklahoma Beekeepers Association
2012 Lloyd Ziegler Mannford Northeast Oklahoma Beekeepers Association
2013 Rick Hall Central Oklahoma Beekeepers Association
2014 Kenny Hammond Northeast Oklahoma Beekeepers Association
2015 Ken Sherron North Central Oklahoma Beekeepers Association
2016 Ernie Staggs Ada East Central Oklahoma Beekeepers Association
2018 Jimmy Shobert
2019 Submit Your Nomination Now

Maribeth Snapp presenting
Ernie Staggs with the 2016 OSBA Beekeeper of the Year Award
Again, congratulations Ernie !!!
Mr.Jimmy Shobert
2018's Recipient of the
Albert Lincoln Beekeeper of the Year Award
The Albert Lincoln Beekeeper of the Year Award, named in honor as a founder of NEOBA in 1956 and the first recipient of Beekeeper of the Year , is awarded to a nominated OSBA member for outstanding services and contributions to furthering the art of beekeeping in the State of Oklahoma.